Culinary Director
Jun Wong
After completing her Bachelor degree in Hospitality Management, Jun ventured into the kitchens of haute cuisine as an experiment to find her passion. Pitched against other driven cooks who began their careers at a very young age ignited Jun’s eagerness to push herself to be on par with all her other more experienced peers. This drive to learn, improve and gain new experiences also led to her landing a job in the 3 Michelin starred Robuchon au Dôme in Macau. Since then, she has worked and staged in some of the best restaurants around the world, including Narisawa in Tokyo and Sixpenny in Sydney.
Constantly seeking to challenge herself, Jun took another pivotal step forward in 2015 and accepted her first lead role in the kitchen as an executive chef, in the opening team of The Tank Stream Hotel in the heart of Sydney. With the return to her homeland in fall, 2017, Jun helmed the team in progressive Japanese restaurant, Kikubari, and for 4 years there, worked on instilling her philosophy of “respect, restraint, and understanding” towards food and it’s related disciplines towards her team and diners alike.
After weathering the tough challenge that has turned the entire food service and hospitality industry upside-down for the past few years, Jun is hoping (and hopeful) to contribute more to the F&B community, highlight social responsibility and to instil sustainable practices in her kitchen together with the future generation of chef.